Our Mission

TFMS Holding is focused on utilizing its ability, respectability and development to distinguish, arrange and gain different business land properties, for example, retail outlets, lofts, clinical office, understudy lodging, self-storerooms and select net rented properties.

About Us

TFMS depends on its huge experience earned through in excess of 500 Units across 49 states adding up to more than $300 million for part organizations of TFMS Group of Companies. TFMS Possessions group is focused on haggling decently and carefully, coming about in a constantly expanding number of rehash vendors and representatives.

Meet Our Team




Contact for Information or Deal Presentation

TFMS relies on the vast knowledge it has gained by operating more than 500 Units in 49 states, which together account for more than $300 million for TFMS  Holding Group and Companies. The TFMS Holding Group specializes in fair and meticulous negotiating with an ever-increasing range of repeat vendors and representatives.


600 W. 6th Street, Suite 400 Fort Worth Texas 76102

Office Phone: 817-818-2273

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